Monday, October 8, 2012

Says Dr Oz .....

 Ask Dr. Oz 

Quick Health Secrets for Men & Women

If you had one of the world’s foremost medical experts cornered at a party, what would you ask him? Probably one of these questions.

Mehmet Cengiz Oz, also known as Dr. Oz, is a Turkish-American cardiothoracic surgeon, author, and television personality. Oz has been a professor at the department of Surgery at Columbia University since 2001. He directs the Cardiovascular Institute and Complementary Medicine Program at New York-Presbyterian Hospital. With his collaborators, he has authored over 400 research papers, book chapters and medical books and has received several patents. He performs around 250 heart operations annually.

Time magazine ranked Oz 44th on its list of the 100 Most Influential People in 2008 and Esquire magazine placed him on its list of the 75 Most Influential People of the 21st Century. He was called a Global Leader of Tomorrow by the World Economic Forum and one of “The Harvard 100 Most Influential Alumni”. 

Is reading in dim light actually bad for your eyes?
No. You'll probably get a tension headache from all that squinting, but your eyesight isn't affected at all.
When someone sneezes, then touches a doorknob, how long before the germs disappear?
In general, the time viruses live outside the body varies with the type of germ and whatever surface they're sitting on. For the common cold, you can figure anything from four to twenty-four hours. Wash your hands.
What do you personally use on your face after you shave?
Dr. Perry's DaySkin from New Vitality, because it has a mechanical sunblock (zinc oxide). Chemical sunblocks usually have to be absorbed for fifteen or twenty minutes before you get protection. But the important thing is to use an aftershave that contains sun protection, period.
Those powdered drinks that supposedly ward off the flu: marketing bullshit?
Judging by the evidence, they don't help.
There's nothing wrong with my skin that I can see...
...but someone told me it's a good idea to see a dermatologist once in a while. Do you agree?
For the most part, your skin takes care of itself, so I'm not big on seeing a dermatologist unless you actually think there's something wrong. Now, what's wrong could be obvious, like a rash that won't go away. But unfortunately, the big thing that could be wrong, melanoma — the deadliest form of skin cancer — isn't obvious unless you know what to look for, so remember the ABCD rule: If you have a mole or other mark that's Asymmetrical, that has irregular Borders, that isn't a solid Color, and/or has a Diameter greater than a pencil eraser's, see a doctor. Check yourself every month or so.
You don't hear people talking about MSG anymore. Did it turn out...
...not to be bad for you after all?
The panic that surrounded MSG appears to have been unfounded. It's simply not toxic in the levels you encounter in food. But it does cause some people to become flushed, wheezy, or headachy. If you're one of them, just avoid it.
How come cold weather makes your joints stiffer and in warm weather...
...they feel looser? Isn't it always 98.6 degrees inside the body?
In the winter, you have less vitamin D because you're getting less sun, which means some of your immune functions become weaker. So you end up with a less resilient body across the board, and that tends to result in stiffness. Try taking a vitamin D3 supplement during the winter in addition to your daily multivitamin.
I'm looking for a new physician. What's the single most important skill a doctor can have?
That they treat people like you. They'll be familiar with all the common (and not-so-common) issues people your age face. And, not to be morbid, but you want your doctor to be around your age or younger (unless you're 17). That way you can have a doctor for life, and that continuity is a big help in diagnosing and predicting problems as you age.
I don't want to have flab. I don't want to get winded. What can I do?
Without question: Walk more. It's simple, you won't get hurt, and it's the foundation of every other physical program. But it has to be automatic — you can't have to think about it every day. So just pick one simple thing — I'm not using the elevator anymore, or I'm not going to drive to our local store — that from now on you're going to do to be more physically active. It'll add up. The Amish walk more than 14,000 steps a day, and they have an obesity rate under 5 percent.
What is the healthiest candy bar? If you had to pick one.
Any dark chocolate with nuts (not peanuts — the kind that grow on trees). Nuts contain good fats and fiber. And compared with milk chocolate, dark is lower in saturated fat and full of antioxidants called flavonoids.
Is there any truth to the five-second rule about dropped food?
Most food you drop is still perfectly edible. If it was in your eyesight the whole time, you can pick it up and eat it.
I get these e-mails about colon cleansing. Is it a good idea?
You'll get rid of more crap by deleting the e-mails. The intestines empty themselves completely if you eat a high-fiber diet.
What's the best headache treatment, other than painkillers?
Take two fingers and press firmly on the bridge of your nose, right beneath the brow line, for a few minutes. There's an acupressure point there.
Is pizza really so bad?
The only thing that's good about pizza is the sauce: It contains lycopene, an antioxidant. It does help to switch to wheat crust, because at least you get whole grains instead of white flour.
I drink one Scotch a night. Good or bad?
In that amount, any alcohol, including Scotch, has a health benefit.
Is antibacterial soap bullshit?
It is bullshit.
Is there anything wrong with replacing a meal...
...with a PowerBar and Gatorade once in a while?
The rule I use is, If it doesn't come out of the ground looking the way it looks when you eat it, be careful. There's no such thing as a PowerBar tree.
How much coffee is too much?
You get the health benefits of coffee up through about the first twenty-four ounces. It's the biggest source of antioxidants for Americans, and we think it helps prevent Alzheimer's and Parkinson's as well.
Are horizontal ridges on my fingernails a bad sign?
No. You probably had an illness or a bad injury when the nail was growing in.
What's the healthiest fruit?
Is all seafood good for you?
Nope. Some of the crustaceans have cholesterol — shrimp, crab, lobster. And top predators like swordfish and tuna can contain elevated levels of industrial toxins, so you shouldn't eat them more than three times a week.
I'm young, healthy, and I haven't been to a doctor for a while. Is that stupid?
The basic things that you need to do with a doctor up to the age of forty are minimal. But there are some standard tests — cholesterol, blood pressure, that sort of thing — that you want to get done at least every five years. Make an appointment.
I sweat too much.
Sweating's one of the ways your body copes with extra weight. So weight loss helps. But also get your thyroid function checked. Hyperthyroidism causes excess sweating, but it's treatable.
If I exercise for an hour every Saturday... that as good as twenty minutes three times a week?
Is it better to brush your teeth every day or for a long time on Sundays only?
Does mowing the lawn count?
You bet. Be sure not to overarch your back, and pull your stomach in. There's a great Velcro rubber belt at any athletic store. Get one and use it over a T-shirt.
I drive forty-five minutes each day commuting. Is there anything I can do...
...while I'm behind the wheel to tone up?
Squeeze your butt cheeks as tight as you can for five thirty-second reps with ten-second breaks. Then go back and forth — squeeze your right butt cheek, then left — twenty times each. Next: Shrug your shoulders up as close as you can to your ears, hold for ten seconds, relax, and repeat five times. And watch where you're going.
Is money really that dirty? Do I have to wash my hands after touching it?
In one study, 94 percent of bills had pathogenic or potentially pathogenic organisms on them. (Interestingly, another study showed 92 percent tested positive for cocaine.) But at the end of the day, are they dangerous? No. Our skin provides a barrier. Just avoid sucking on dollar bills, and do less cocaine, please.
What's the popping sound in my hip (or elbow or knee)...
...when I do certain stretches or exercises?
When you stretch a joint, it creates a vacuum that literally sucks gas out of the fluid inside the joint. Pop. No big deal.
Does warm water quench thirst as effectively as cold water?
No. Cold water actually slows gastric emptying, and because the water hangs around longer, it gives your stomach time to tell your brain that you're hydrated.
When I notice a new problem, how many days should I wait...
...for it to go away before I talk to a doctor?
If you have crushing chest pain that feels like an elephant is sitting on your chest, maybe see a doctor, because you're having a heart attack. Same if you're passing out. But if you've got diarrhea or the flu, two to three days is very reasonable. Five to seven days for a sprained joint.
Carrots: honestly good for the eyes or old wives' tale?
Lutein is the best for eyes — and it's in leafy, green vegetables. The carrot rumor was started during the Second World War. The Nazis realized that the British were getting a lot of lucky shots on their aircraft, and so the British started the rumor that their pilots were being given carrots to improve their eyesight. Which was hogwash. What they really did was discover radar.
I've had lower-back pain for years. Flares up when I run on concrete... when I play tennis or basketball. Any athletic shoes or equipment that you can recommend to soften the impact?
You want orthotics. They work. I like Zapz (
My dermatologist asked me how many sunburns I got before I was 18...
...Is that when I screwed myself with the melanoma?
We used to think you got most of your UV exposure before age 18. Now we know it's more like 25 percent. But even if you burn once, you increase the chance of developing melanoma. But we're talking about blistering burns, like in The Heartbreak Kid. Not just a little redness.
What kind of stories do heart surgeons tell at the bar after work?
It's usually jokes. Medical jokes. "You hear the one about the constipated accountant? Worked it out with a pencil."
Are fresh berries healthier than frozen ones?
There's not that big a difference — probably 20 percent — in the nutrient levels. But the good thing about frozen berries is they don't lose those nutrients over time. Net, frozen berries are a great value.
My bum knees mean I can't jog. What are your recommended alternatives? And please don't say...
...elliptical machine. Boredom's worse than joint pain.
Elliptical machine. But if you want something more athletic, cycling or swimming are both high-energy and low-impact.
When it comes to vitamins and supplements...
...can there be too much of a good thing?
Yes. Just go with a complete daily multivitamin plus DHA-omega-3 fats. Add some extra vitamin D if the multi doesn't give you the 1,000 IUs (international units) you need.
Do women really have smaller bladders than men...
...and is that why they have to stop to pee every 17 miles?
What is the best multivitamin for a man under 60?
One-a-Day Men’s Health Formula or liquid Vemma.
I read that the heat from my dishwasher can cause toxins to be released...
...from plastic things like food containers and water bottles. True?
It depends on the type of plastic, but yes. Just hand-wash them.
Aspirin, Tylenol, ibuprofen, Aleve: What are the differences......and when should I take one and not the others?
Tylenol (acetaminophen) actually is better at reducing fever than pain. Take it when you’re running a temperature. For pain without fever, take one of the others. Never take more than one kind at once.
I quit smoking five years ago but still chew the nicotine gum...
...about ten pieces a day. Problem?
The only problem is that it’s harder to chew than regular gum, so people get jaw pain. But there’s no issue with toxicity or anything like that — that we know of. The problem with smoking is the smoking.
Does cracking your knuckles really lead to arthritis?
Nope. Total myth.
Thinking about my weekly diet, am I wrong to put sushi... the "good for me" column?
Sushi is great, but sashimi — that’s just the fish without the rice — is even healthier.
I usually treat myself when I have the flu. What are some signs...
...that I should seek medical help?
High fever that lasts more than three days, trouble breathing, and localized pain. These may signal a serious infection.
How can I tell whether it's just a muscle strain or actually a torn muscle?
All strains are muscle tears, and they’re all treated the same way: ice for 24 to 72 hours, then warm compresses. And rest.
Are there any vegetables that are bad for you?
Not exactly, but colored veggies are better than white, starchy ones.
Are there any drawbacks to all these new raw-food diets?
You’ll definitely lose weight and improve your cholesterol numbers eating only raw foods, but you may not get enough protein and healthy oils. Keep some cooked fish in the mix.
I'm going gray early — like in my mid-20s. Is this likely just genetic...
...or could it be a sign of something wrong?
It’s probably genetic, but it could point to a thyroid disorder or B12 deficiency. If you’re really freaked out, get tested.
When it comes to exercising outdoors, how cold is too cold?
Zero and below, or a windchill of minus 20 or more. This is frostbite territory. If it’s warmer than that, you’re fine. Just don’t overdo it.
If I'm otherwise a pretty healthy eater, is one doughnut a week really so bad?
What are common dietary deficiencies in American men?
Vitamin D3 and DHA omega-3 fatty acid — the vast majority of American men don’t get enough. One cod-liver-oil pill a day fixes that.
I use sleeping pills a couple times a week. Any long-term risks?
The studies haven’t been done. But know this: Good sleep hygiene — dark, cool room; good mattress; loose clothes; regular routine — helps more than half of all insomniacs.
What are your thoughts on acupuncture? In my case, it'd be for chronic back pain.
It works in China , and 1.3 billion people can’t be wrong.
Is my distrust of nonstick pans justified?
I think so. Especially if the coating is chipped or cracked.
Are there any common household chemicals that you don't think belong in the home?
Pesticides and mothballs. If it’ll kill a bug, it’ll kill you.
What's the best way to wash my face?
Unless you work under a car, you don't have to wash your face with some harsh astringent that smells like kerosene. Harsh soaps strip off what's called the acid mantle, a layer of oil that you're supposed to have — it's like protective cellophane. Plus, 7 percent of men are allergic to the artificial scents and chemicals in soaps.
Why should I moisturize?
In the morning, a lot of men splash on alcohol-based astringents, colognes, and aftershaves. This is okay and gives you a nice, bracing sting, but there's no health benefit, and they can dry your face out. I use a cream-based moisturizer that contains the most important ingredient in any unguent: sunblock. Then at night, smear on a moisturizer that contains antioxidants, which actually rejuvenate your skin while you sleep.
And how do I choose the right moisturizer?
How to choose a moisturizer: Start by asking a woman what she uses. For a long time women have been doing things to their faces that men are just waking up to. There are products being made now that are designed for a male audience; one of the fastest growing segments of the cosmetics industry is men's products. The major difference between men's and women's products is the smells they put into them — our products are simply packaged differently. But skin is skin is skin.
Why should I exfoliate?
Women do this, yes. But do you really think that only women have dry, dead skin on their faces that needs scrubbing off? That's all exfoliating means. Do it once or twice a week using a cleanser that says "exfoliant" on the label. A generation ago, people used natural chemicals like apple-cider vinegar; crushed apricot pits are a common ingredient in today's exfoliants. In a pinch, drying with a rough towel after a wash will do the trick. Your face will actually appear fresher and younger.
How often should I wash my hair?
The purpose of hair, biologically, is to crown your head with a big, impressive mane that attracts mates. But hair is fragile. It's brittle. And you want to hold on to it as long as possible (or at least until you're married). Be gentle. Don't wash it every day. Body and shine, the very qualities shampoo purports to provide, occur naturally, thanks to your scalp's natural oil. When you do wash, always use conditioner (a two-in-one shampoo-conditioner is fine) and don't dry or comb your hair aggressively. That's like delinting a cashmere sweater with a garden rake. Try styling with your fingers.
What's the best way to brush my teeth?
If you don't floss, we have nothing to talk about. You must floss, if you enjoy your teeth. But here's a note about brushing: I've discovered that sonic toothbrushes are far more effective than the throwaway drugstore brushes. I use a Philips Sonicare I bought from my dentist. They're not trying to sell you something you don't need. I've interviewed countless dentists and I've studied these products. Dentists themselves use these things. They really believe in them, and so do I.
If I start eating less food, I'll be hungry a lot. Will my body reprogram so that I need less food?
Yes, you can train yourself to want less food. But it's got to be a slow transition. You generally put weight on slowly, and you generally lose it slowly. If today you take in four hundred fewer calories than you did yesterday, you'll go blind from the hunger. Aim for about a hundred calories less than you normally eat — don't have the English muffin with your eggs. Get used to that, then shave off another hundred. This takes you where you want to be and makes it easier to stay there.
What's the healthiest thing to order at a steakhouse?
It ain't the steak. Order something with tomatoes. They contain lycopene, which counteracts the effects of the saturated fat in the steak: The meat constricts your arteries, and the tomatoes dilate your arteries. Tomatoes that are heated release their lycopene more effectively, so cooked tomatoes are even better than the traditional side of sliced raw ones. And when you eat tomatoes with fat, you absorb the lycopene more efficiently. That's why the Mediterranean diet is so healthy: When you combine oil (fat) plus heated tomatoes, it's called pasta sauce, which they eat constantly.
My wife told me not to take a multivitamin right before bed. Something about the way it's absorbed.
She's right, but for the wrong reason. The best reason not to take it right before bed is that B vitamins can give you weird dreams. Because they are metabolic cofactor vitamins, they stimulate neurotransmitters in the brain, so you blast off into dreamworld. The best way: Split the vitamin in half and take it with breakfast and dinner so you have a constant level throughout the day even as you pee them out.
Rickey Henderson used to eat a bowl of ice cream every night before bed. Can I?
Rickey Henderson always had a lot of muscle mass. Muscles, whether they're being used or not, burn more calories than fat does. So Rickey could eat his bowl of ice cream because those muscles were going to churn through it no matter what. He's made of muscle. If you're made of muscle, you can have ice cream, too.
Is chewing gum an appetite suppressant?
Yes. People offered food plus gum will eat less food. The only thing to be careful of is that sugarless gum — which is what's recommended — gives some people stomach problems. So if you're having diarrhea ten times a day, you'll also lose weight, but that's no good. Coffee is also an appetite suppressant. You know what else works? Those Listerine strips. Highly pungent tastes tend to blow your mouth out, so you don't have a taste-bud response to food anymore. Oh, and cigarettes work — you'll be a great-looking corpse.
What's the best time of day to exercise?
Morning. It focuses your mind, you won't blow it off later in the day, and it won't keep you up at night with pounding adrenaline surges because you just benched your all-time high.
I only want to exercise for seven minutes. What should I do?
What a coincidence: I do an amazing seven-minute workout each morning. I developed it with the help of my trainer, Joel Harper.
What do I need to know about my heart at age 25, 35, 45, and 55?
You need to know this — and doctors learned it only recently: The heart muscle actually regenerates throughout your life. We used to think it stopped after you were grown. But your heart will stop regenerating if you don't keep challenging it. So exercise. At every age.
Are there any car-care products that aren't full of chemicals?
I don't favor specific brands, but there are a bunch — citrus-based cleaners, natural waxes, that kind of thing. Rule of thumb: no skulls on the label.
Job security, the stock market, my home's value — I have anxiety.
Talk to someone — wife, brother, doctor. You'll need their support. Step two is to begin some sort of treatment. Maybe that means counseling, maybe it means a lifestyle change, maybe it means yoga. And yes, maybe it means drugs. But not by themselves. Think of them like crutches: They'll help you get along for a while, but your priority is to fix the broken bits.
I get pollen allergies in the summer. Any natural remedies?
Butterbur. It's an herb you can buy. Or rinse your nose out with warm saltwater. Use a neti pot (ask at any drugstore) or just a spray bottle.
Do I really need a tetanus shot?
Absolutely. Tetanus is a bacterial infection, but it works in such a way that by the time you discover the infection, it's often too late for antibiotics to help. While you're at it, get a pertussis — or whooping cough — vaccination, too. It's a nasty infection that's making a big comeback.
Can I get by without a humidifier?
Yes, if you enjoy the problems caused by dry air — cracks in mucous membranes, which can lead to colds and throat infections, plus dry skin, cracked lips, and allergies. Good Housekeeping rated the Honeywell HCM-300T tops last year.
My coffee mug has a sticker explaining that California believes its paint might cause cancer. Huh?
Unlike the federal government, California has rigorously analyzed the most common substances used in industry and agriculture. In many cases, it's not that California disagrees with, say, the FDA; it's that only California knows anything. I expect the feds will begin to adopt a lot of California 's findings. Meantime, use the mug for pencils.
Did the media create swine flu?
No, but most folks missed the big point: the possibility that the virus could mutate into a deadly form. And because our immune systems have never seen it before, we can't respond to it. In 1918, when the so-called Spanish flu hit, it was initially very mild. When it came back six months later, it killed something like 50 million people.
Can I feel good about eating Kentucky Grilled Chicken?
You can feel better than if you were eating the fried stuff.
What's your favorite summer drink?
A mojito.
Any particular health reason?
No, I just like mojitos.
Which bad-health ruts should I avoid while eating and drinking during the holidays?
The first is lack of sleep. You've got parties to go to, family to visit, you're not sleeping in your own bed — it wears you down. I avoid sleeping aids if I can, so instead try an old trick: naps. Even 20 minutes in the afternoon can make a huge difference in your energy level. Second is alcohol. Calories, hangovers, and mood swings generally do not make for merriment. At the same time, a hot toddy can make all the Bing Crosby music easier to deal with. What can I say? Drink in moderation. And alternate each drink with a glass of water. The third is exercise. Each morning, before anything else, do a quick and simple workout.
What kinds of accidents spike over the holidays?
We get a lot of car crashes, falls, burns in the ER. It's icy, people are drinking, they're messing around with the oven or fireplace. But here's the surprising thing: I see a spike in heart transplants. Part of that's the car accidents, but part of it is family. Family-related stress can skyrocket when everyone gets together. And you're more likely to be murdered by someone you know than anyone else. But seriously, if things are really unbearable in your clan, consider just sending a card.
We'll be traveling a lot. Any tricks for avoiding jet lag?
Two. One is just to stick close to your natural sleep routine instead of trying to adjust. Even coast to coast, the difference is only three hours, so if you go to bed at midnight in D.C., try going to bed at, say, ten at Grandma's in Sacramento. But if you want to adjust, take melatonin. (Pills are available at any drugstore.) It helps the brain adapt more quickly to a new sleep cycle.
Any tricks for getting a free upgrade?
I can tell you that unless you're dressed very well, don't even try.
Do people really have heart attacks while shoveling snow?
Here's the thing: The shoveling doesn't cause the heart attack; it accelerates its arrival. In other words, if that little bit of activity triggers a heart attack, he was probably going to have one anyway. But if he's in decent health, he can shovel away.

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